Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thanks for the comment, Jose

I saw an article today on the New York Times website about a piece of papyrus that says Jesus had a wife.  You can read it here.  The piece of papyrus is 4 by 8 centimeters in size and says things like "Jesus said to them, 'My wife ...' ".  Needless to say many books will probably be written about this little piece of papyrus.  As usual I spent most of my time in the comment section beneath the article reading what other people were saying about the article.  Most of the comments dismissed the find as insignificant because the Bible is very clear that the Church is Christ's bride.  But the comment that struck me as funny, true, and touching all at the same time was this one:

I wish I could tell Jose how much his comment meant to me.  Maybe we'll meet up in the Kingdom.

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