Tuesday, January 10, 2006

spiritual streaking

throughout my christian life, i've always been told, "don't be a spiritual streaker." by this my instructor meant, don't divulge my most intimate struggles, desires, etc to anyone and everyone who will listen.

i think i've done pretty well so far. but lately i've had some experiences with people that make me question that seemingly wise ultimatum.

every time i go downtown for homeless ministry i meet guys who tell me about huge struggles they're having. not necessarily because i ask them, just because they are broken guys. they tell me about issues that, were i struggling with them, i don't think i'd have the guts to tell anyone.

these are the types of people i believe will fill the kingdom. the ones who know they struggle, and are so broken, they'll be honest with anyone and everyone. conventional wisdom aside, they don't own a mask. they don't own much of anything. but they know they need help, they just don't know where to get it.

one thing i know for sure...they are authentic people.

ok, so there's two extremes here:

hiding everything, not being authentic with anyone. vs. telling everyone everything about you. it's an intricate balance. hiding everything destroys community, and prevents you from experiencing the grace God has for you. but if the community isn't ready to handle it, streaking can send you packing. what's more, there's another dimension involving what's permissible to share with the opposite sex! finding the right middle ground is key, and i think it requires living intentionally.

all things considered, it's no wonder i sometimes find myself tipping the balance.


  1. I think Roy makes a good point. How much you are able to share depends on the other person.

    Also, I think the guys downtown where their struggles on their sleeves because that's all they have left. They can't hide behind everything we do. I feel like middle class Christians are not reminded of their struggles as much as people who live on the street. Therefore, it seems natural that they would feel more comfortable sharing their struggles.

    Side note:
    I've always heard "spiritual streaking" being describe as putting on the helmet of salvation and forgetting about the rest of the armor of God.

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I second Matt's side note. And I chuckle at Roy's reference to being a jumper. Other than that, I have no wisdom to share.
