Monday, July 08, 2013

It's bread, not an energy drink

I am fortunate to believe the Bible as much as I do.  I am fortunate because it answers the hard questions I have and it answers them with such profound truth that I feel sorry for anyone who does not believe the Bible is the Word of God.  Sadly, I cannot tell you the number of Christians I have spoken to who do not know what the Bible says because they do not read it.  And in truth, the reason so many Christians do not read the Bible is because they do not believe it is God's Word.  If people believed God's very Word was available to them they would read it.  I know this because I too went through a long period when I never read the Bible.  It just did not interest me and did not seem relevant to my life.  I wasn't opposed to it, I just did not care about it.  I owned multiple Bibles and went to church regularly but I was almost completely apathetic towards the Bible and assumed knowing what it said wouldn't benefit me.  I did not view the Bible as bread to be eaten in order to live but as an energy drink that didn't taste very good yet might provide a spark of insight if I hit a tough time in life.  Thankfully, God snapped me out of that daze, and I hope if you find yourself in the same apathetic mindset that He will snap you out of it as well.

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